Ever since I've learned to write programs in Haskell using algebraic data types, I was yearning for a similar feature in more conventional programming languages that would be as convenient and type-safe to use without sacrificing support from tooling built around the language in question, and I've recently found a satisfactory approach.
The approach is, perhaps unsurprisingly, is a slight extension of Visitor pattern, that I'm going to illustrate here on an example of implementing naive binary search tree. Binary search tree can be either an empty leaf or an internal node with a key and two branch nodes, and the encoding using typical Visitor pattern is going to look like this:
interface Tree {
interface Visitor<T> {
T visitLeaf();
T visitFork(Tree left, int mid, Tree right);
<T> T accept(Visitor<T> visitor);
class Leaf implements Tree {
public <T> T accept(Visitor<T> visitor) {
return visitor.visitLeaf();
class Fork implements Tree {
private final Tree left, right;
private final int mid;
Fork(Tree left, int mid, Tree right) {
this.left = left;
this.mid = mid;
this.right = right;
public <T> T accept(Visitor<T> visitor) {
return visitor.visitFork(left, mid, right);
Obviously, for larger examples and repetitive definition of similar structures one would want to use a code generator. Let's say that the workflow with the code generator would look like this:
in the example) and visitor interface (Tree.Visitor<T>
) by hand.Leaf
and Fork
)Let's take a look at the usage of this code in a simple program that implements insertion into naive binary tree, as well as conversion to list:
static Tree insert(Tree tree, int key) {
return tree.accept(new Tree.Visitor<Tree>() {
public Tree visitLeaf() {
return new Fork(new Leaf(), key, new Leaf());
public Tree visitFork(Tree left, int mid, Tree right) {
if (key < mid) {
return new Fork(insert(left, key), mid, right);
} else if (key > mid) {
return new Fork(left, mid, insert(right, key));
} else {
return tree;
static List<Integer> toList(Tree tree) {
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
tree.accept(new Tree.Visitor<Void>() {
public Void visitLeaf() {
return null;
public Void visitFork(Tree left, int mid, Tree right) {
return null;
return result;
The most important point is that code directly uses constructors of Fork
and Leaf
, meaning that if later someone would like to change name of Fork
to, say, Node
, they wouldn't be able to use a simple refactoring for that. Just renaming visitFork
to visitNode
would lead to code generator generating a class with new name on next launch, leaving unresolved references to non-existing class. So, a renaming for the Fork
class would have to be performed as well.
My insight here is as followws: instantiating Visitor
with Tree
itself we can get an interface for a factory of Tree
s. This way, construction and case analysis are going to be using the same symbols defined in code. Here's how it's going to look like:
interface Tree {
interface Visitor<T> {
T leaf();
T fork(Tree left, int mid, Tree right);
<T> T accept(Visitor<T> visitor);
enum TreeFactory implements Tree.Visitor<Tree> {
public Tree leaf() {
return new Tree() {
public <T> T accept(Visitor<T> visitor) {
return visitor.leaf();
public Tree fork(Tree left, int mid, Tree right) {
return new Tree() {
public <T> T accept(Visitor<T> visitor) {
return visitor.fork(left, mid, right);
Notice that I've changed names visitLeaf
and visitFork
to leaf
and fork
respectively. This is done for more "natural" names of factory methods to construct values of Tree
(compare TreeFactory.leaf
with TreeFactory.visitLeaf
). Here's how usage of this new version changes:
static Tree insert(Tree tree, int key) {
return tree.accept(new Tree.Visitor<Tree>() {
public Tree leaf() {
return TreeFactory.fork(TreeFactory.leaf(), key, TreeFactory.leaf());
public Tree fork(Tree left, int mid, Tree right) {
if (key < mid) {
return TreeFactory.fork(insert(left, key), mid, right);
} else if (key > mid) {
return TreeFactory.fork(left, mid, insert(right, key));
} else {
return TreeFactory.fork(left, mid, right);
static List<Integer> toList(Tree tree) {
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
tree.accept(new Tree.Visitor<Void>() {
public Void leaf() {
return null;
public Void fork(Tree left, int mid, Tree right) {
return null;
return result;
The punchline here is that same method names (leaf
and fork
) are used both to construct values of type Tree
as well as perform case analysis. In order to perform a renaming, one would have to rename only one symbol. While I understand that this might not look like a big deal to you, it is to me, since I can rely on IDE to perform correct program transformations without thinking about how the code generator used in project is implemented (less thinking = less opportunities to fuck something up by accident).